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Electric Power Calculator

Last updated: Monday, May 01, 2023
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The electric power can be determined using the electrical potential and the electric current. The formula for electric power is:

P = VI

where P is the electric power in watts, V is the electrical potential in volts, and I is the electric current in amperes.

To find the electric power using the electrical potential and electric current, simply multiply the two values together using the above formula. For example, if the electrical potential is 12 volts and the electric current is 3 amperes, then the electric power would be:

P = 12V x 3A

P = 36 watts

Therefore, the electric power in this example would be 36 watts.

The formula for determining electric power using voltage and electric current is defined as:
\(P\) \(=\) \(V\) \(\cdot\) \(I\)
\(I\): the electric current
\(P\): the electric power
\(V\): the electric potential
The SI unit of electric power is: \(watt\text{ }(W)\)
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the electric potential
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