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Calculate The Perimeter Of An Ellipse

Last updated: Saturday, June 24, 2023
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Ramanujan Formula 1
Ramanujan Formula 2

The alternative Ramanujan formula for the perimeter of an ellipse is given as:

P ≈ π(a + b) [1 + (3h/(10 + (4-3h^2)^0.5))]

where a and b are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse, and h = (a - b)/(a + b)^0.5.

This formula is a modification of Ramanujan's original formula and provides a more accurate approximation of the perimeter for ellipses with higher eccentricities.

It is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics to calculate the perimeter of an ellipse in practical applications, such as in the design of elliptical shapes for structures, the calculation of orbits in celestial mechanics, and the analysis of electromagnetic waves in elliptical cavities.

The second Ramanujan formula used for determining the perimeter of an ellipse
\(h\) \(=\) \(\dfrac{(a - b)^2}{(a + b)^2}\)
\(P\): the perimeter of the ellipse
\(a\): the length of the major axis
\(b\): the length of the minor axis
\(\pi\): A mathematical constant with an infinite decimal tail
The SI unit of perimeter is \(meter\text{ }(m)\)

Find \(P\)

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the length of the major axis
the length of the minor axis
\(\pi\) : A mathematical constant with an infinite decimal tail
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