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Calculate Fraction Volume Above The Surface

Last updated: Monday, May 01, 2023
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Volume Above Surface

The volume of a solid object above the surface of a given liquid can be calculated using the principles of buoyancy. This calculation can be useful in determining the displacement of liquid caused by a floating object or the amount of liquid displaced by a partially submerged object.

To calculate the volume of a solid object above the surface of a given liquid, you will need to know the density of the liquid and the volume and density of the object. The buoyant force acting on the object can be found by multiplying the density of the liquid by the volume of liquid displaced by the object.

Once you have calculated the buoyant force, you can use it to determine the fraction of the object's volume that is submerged in the liquid. This can be found by dividing the buoyant force by the weight of the object.

Finally, the volume of the object above the surface of the liquid can be calculated by subtracting the submerged volume of the object from its total volume.

The formula for determining if the fractional volume of an object that will float above the surface of a liquid.
\(V_f\) \(=\) \(\dfrac{\rho_l - \rho_o}{\rho_l}\) \(\cdot\) \(\dfrac{m}{\rho_o}\)
\(V_f\): the fractional volume floating above the surface of the liquid
\(\rho_l\): the density of the liquid
\(\rho_o\): the density of the object
\(m\): the mass of the object
The SI unit of volume is: \(cubic \text{ } meter\)

Find \(V_f\)

Use this calculator to determine the fractional volume of a solid object that floats above the surface of a liquid.
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the density of the liquid
\(kilogram/cubic \text{ } meter\)
the density of the object
\(kilogram/cubic \text{ } meter\)
the mass of the object
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